Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The dish of the day

Part of being a New Yorker is being a part of a fast paced lifestyle and experiencing things which you may never expect on a daily basis.

My inspiration for this post comes to me while sitting in a Bronx Laundromat, you’d be surprised what kind of things in a Laundromat can inspire you and motivate you to write.

It has been a crazy couple of weeks and I’m still trying to catch up with the tasks of my everyday  “so-called normal” life. With a transition into a new job and carrying the negativity out of my life as my goal, I’m hoping to start off the spring season fresh!

I’ve planned a weekend getaway to Maine. I’m looking forward to a relaxing, fun-filled time with family and a wonderful Easter holiday. A much needed mental break from the city has come at the perfect time and I hope to enjoy it to the fullest!

Happy Easter Everyone! Enjoy the rest of your week!


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Land Mark: “What does it take to have an extraordinary life?”

A friend of mine invited my fiancé and I to a seminar one weekend called Land mark. Getting up early on a Saturday morning after a long week of interior design projects was not exactly what I had in mind, but we were both very pleased that we decided to go. It was great to finally see what our friend had been a part of.

“The Landmark Forum is not a lecture, motivational technique, or therapy- it’s a powerful, accelerated learning experience.”

This workshop setting takes place over 3 consecutive days and an evening session. It’s about “experiencing a positive, permanent shift in the quality of your life, redefining the very nature of what’s possible, and creating a future of your own design.”

So we were attending the guest session which was only for 3 hours. The minute you enter the room where this workshop is held you get this positive feeling from everyone around you. There was a sense of great happiness. Each and every single person was in that room for their own personal reasons, with their own stories, and goal they wanted to accomplish.

With a variety of topics which were discussed including confidence and enjoying your life and just hearing many stories from people who have been a part of this program was inspiring, (you see how it has changed their lives and it makes you think about how you can change your own life.)

For me my focus for the day was improving my career. Others were there working to improve their own personal relationships, communication, confidence, as well as other areas in life which were important to them or they felt they may be facing an obstacle in.

When you break down what you’re feeling, experiencing on a daily basis, how you’re treated, where you want to be, what you want to do, and what challenges you’re facing, you really start to question what is going on in your life. Wanting so much more in your life, improving the quality of your relationships, having the confidence to make a change, keeping motivated, and using the resources around you become important factors.

At times I felt like I was put on the spot with the variety of icebreakers which we were doing but I realized that this was exactly what I needed. I need to force myself to make the time to think about what I really want out of life, what makes me happy, and where I want to be. Having someone there sitting beside you supporting you, sharing their advice, and encouraging you to move in the direction you want to be headed in, was an experience which I will always appreciate.

On the day of the workshop my fiancĂ© and I did not register (as there are fees involved) but we did received a few follow up calls over the next week or so and the people who would call us were so passionate about wanting to help you help yourself and were really there to listen to your story, get to know you, offer their advice, and share their experience with you. At the end of my call the woman said to me, “You have really inspired me.” I was shocked by her statement as I felt I had just unloaded my frustrating experiences which were going on in my life lately, but she felt that I knew where I wanted to be, what I wanted to do, and inspired her to want to start her own company and live a life of happiness. After this call I made a career change. See what Landmark can do for you…

Check out their site!

Special Thanks to our friend who shared this experience with us!


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A visit from a friend

This weekend a friend of mine came to visit from MA. After a delicious treat at Pinkberry we decided to head to Chelsea to check out the high line.

“The High Line is a public park built on a 1.45-mile-long elevated rail structure running from Gansevoort Street to West 34th Street on Manhattan's West Side.

The High Line was a freight rail line, in operation from 1934 to 1980. It carried meat to the meatpacking district, agricultural goods to the factories and warehouses of the industrial West Side, and mail to the Post Office.”

Great photo location, neat place to go in NYC (allows you to be above the city), you’re surrounded by nature, and if you check out the website you’ll see there are a variety of events going on throughout the year!

Definitely a must see when visiting the city!


Saturday, February 18, 2012

“Make it a great day!”

This is something to live by. My father first told me a story about someone he knows who uses this quote quite often. We always kind of joke around over the phone, saying this line to eachother because we’re always having some crazy kind of a day. Think about it though... it really has good meaning. 
 We both try to keep this in mind and use it all of the time now.

It’s important to make each day special, make it count, and enjoy it to the fullest!

What makes your days great? Is it a friend or family member you spend time with? A place you travel to? A hobby you have? A random person on the street that asks how you are doing? Is it a good grade in school? An accomplishment at work? There is no right or wrong answer, all that matters is how it makes you feel. If you feel it’s a great day then that’s what counts!
So keep this in mind and say it to at least one person each day, keep it going, and help everyone to “Make it a great day!” When you hear this, it encourages you to take that extra step. Appreciate each day, make it count, and make it special.

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“Make it a great day!”

Thursday, February 16, 2012

“Make a plan and make it happen.”

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Set a goal, set a reasonable time frame, take baby steps to get there, and make it happen.

There are so many projects I have going on, so many things I want to do, accomplish, try out, develop, improve etc and it always feels like there is just not enough time in the day to do it all.

From Interior Design portfolios, to website updates, to setting up meetings, social media, networking, starting a couple of businesses, going to the gym, and making time for yourself… how can you fit it all into your crazy schedule? … I literally work all night answering emails while I’m in bed (crazy I know.)

It is up to you to make things happen, you have the power to make a change for yourself and it’s up to you to drive yourself in that direction and do whatever you can to move forward.

I constantly make lists, plans, sketches, you name it, and some people may think it’s crazy but it has become a part of my everyday life. I love finding inspiration, learning new things, searching for cool websites, doing the daily tear outs from my stacks of magazines, and just surrounding myself with creative, fun, inspiring ideas and people. This has become a hobby of mine and it’s motivating. Seeing these items which motivate me around me each day reminds me to work on these goals, make a change, and make things happen. It’s about dreaming and developing who you are as a person.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

“You won’t find the answers by looking at the stars, it’s a journey you’ll have to take by looking inside yourself. You must find your own destiny.”- Christopher Reeve

Recently I made the decision to make a career change to further my experience and knowledge and take my design skills to the next level. With any new endeavor, there are adjustments as well as challenges and that is exactly what I have been experiencing.

My mind has been on overload and the tasks which seemed so simple before have become more than I thought at times, I could handle. Each day I have to give myself a little push and look at situations with a new perspective. I have allowed myself to overcome certain challenges and embrace this opportunity in the interior design industry which I’ve been searching for quite some time now.

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Some things to keep in mind…

·                   Ask questions

·                   “Keep calm and carry on”

·                   Organize yourself

·                   Take a step back and look at the big picture.

·                   Be open-minded to learning new methods for   things which you may have been amazingly great at, which now are done differently and may have put you at the bottom of the pole. Don’t worry… it will only get better : )

Go Forward > > >


Monday, February 13, 2012

“These streets will make you feel brand new, big lights will inspire you…” – Alicia Keys - Empire State of Mind

Living in NYC inspiration is all around you. From the architecture on the buildings to the people on the subway and streets, and the creativity and talent  surrounding you, this city of big dreams is what I love to be a part of.

There is always something different to look at, a new neighborhood to walk through, a favorite corner store or bakery that becomes a part of your everyday life and a fast paced environment which can make you feel crazy at times, but at the end of the day you are able to say that you’ve had a new experience!

What inspires you?


Sunday, February 12, 2012

New York City to the Maine Coast

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This has been a long time coming and I am finally ready to get the ball rollin’! I’m so happy you have decided to join me and I hope you enjoy my stories, inspiration, design trends, and more from the heart of New York City to the Maine coast, these are my passions and everyday life experiences.  Welcome to my world!


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